VC Directory

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VC DescriptionNumber of investmentsNumber of Exits
Giant Ventures is a multi-stage VC fund investing in three key themes: Climate, Health and Includive Capitalism.392
Goldman Sachs is an investment bank that leads Series A and on fundraises for high growth companies.935327
A venture capital firm specializing in late seed (seed+) and Series A and startups.5
Emerge Education is a European seed fund investing in Education Companies5422
PagerDuty is an operations performance platform delivering visibility and actionable intelligence across the entire incident lifecycle. In April 2019, PagerDuty (NYSE: PD) went public on ... Read More
Mosaic Ventures invest $1-10m into early stage start-ups across Europe. They focus on: focused on include: Machine Intelligence, Future of Money, Edge Applications, Work OS, ... Read More8018
Viewing 1 - 6 of 321
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